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My e-scooter won't switch on

E-Scooter won’t switch on / dashboard doesn’t light up

Let’s try the basics first (sometimes it’s a nice, easy fix!).

  1. Check your e-scooter is definitely charged (Yes, we know… but you’d be surprised how often this is the solution!).
  2. Check the charger – when plugged in and turned on, is there a red or green light? If not then it’s likely there’s an issue with your charger. In this instance contact the customer team to organise a replacement.
  3. Once your scooter is fully charged, hold the On/Off button for three seconds.

If these checks don’t help, then you’re in need of more expert help. Please contact our customer team at help@pureelectric.com with your order number (it will look like PS12345) and the details of the issue you’re experiencing and we’ll be in touch to get the problem resolved.

E-Scooter turns on but won’t accelerate
Pure Electric E-Scooters have a safety feature that prevents them from starting from standstill. This is to stop you accidentally hitting the throttle and causing the e-scooter to potentially move unexpectedly from under you.

When you're ready to go, all you need to do is “kick-off” with a single firm push getting the E-Scooter to a walking pace. Once going, depress the throttle and the motor will kick in.

Still not starting?
Your e-scooter’s problem might be a little more rare, but don’t worry! We’re on hand to fix it and get you back on the road quickly.

Please contact our customer team at help@pureelectric.com with your order number (it will look like PS12345) and the details of the issue you’re experiencing and we’ll be in touch to get the problem resolved.

Updated on 25 Mar 2024