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Recommended e-scooter maintenance

To keep your Electric Scooter in tip top condition we recommend the following maintenance schedule:

Before every ride

  1. Check tyre pressure
  2. Check wheels and handlebars turn smoothly
  3. Check any hinges for unexpected vibration or movement
  4. Look for any loosened nuts, bolts and fasteners
  5. Check lights and indicators function

 Alternatively you can watch our short video guide here

Every 1 month OR every 300KM

  1. Check both tyres for damage
  2. Check the bell function
  3. Clean with damp cloth and inspect for damage – Click here for our handy video on how to deep clean your product
  4. Check all cables, charger and charger cable for any signs of damage

Every 6 months, or every 1,500KM

  1. Tighten bolts to correct torque
  2. Adjust brakes
  3. Clean with damp cloth and check for chassis & fork damage

Every 12 months, or every 3,000KM

  1. Check headset and wheel bearings for damage; grease where appropriate
  2. Service all folding points, re-grease where appropriate

Updated on 25 Mar 2024